Start texting using Millennium in 3 easy steps:
To add text messaging capability to your Millennium software you need to have a messaging account with MillenniumSMS and to configure your Millennium to access this online service. This is done in three simple steps:
Your Millennium sends text messages by connecting to your MillenniumSMS account via the Internet. It uses your Username and Password to authenticate requests. Before your Millennium can send text messages of any kind you need to link it with your MillenniumSMS account. Here is how:
You are now done - you can send text messages from your Millennium to your Customers
For in-depth explanation of the setup process of your Milllennium software, please download this comprehensive Setup document in PDF
Your customers may send replies to your confirmation alerts. When they do, your Millennium will automatically collect these messages and based on their content update Appointment Book screen. When someone replies with Y or Yes, the associated appointment record will change color to green.