
1. Appointment Confirmation

Appointment Reminders

Send text message appointment reminders to clients directly from your Millennium software and receive replies in real-time.

Confirmations & Cancellations

Your appointment book is automatically updated with the confirmations and cancellations, saving you time and resources. This can also be set up so that clients can call you directly to confirm instead of texting.

2. Email Marketing

Segment your clients and create custom email marketing campaigns for promotions, new services, announcements, and more. Track the progress of your campaigns including open-rate, click-throughs and more.

3. Mobile Marketing

Create 2-way interactive targeted mobile marketing campaigns and reach your clients on the go. With MSMS you can track and measure the success of each promotion.

SMS Campaigns

SMS campaigns can notify your clients of special offers and updates. Send them to your entire client base or a just a segmented list such as everyone who hasn’t booked an appointment in the last 3 months.

Mobile Optimized Websites

Quickly create a simple mobile optimized website for contests, special events, and promotions. Integrate with your Facebook, Twitter and Yelp accounts easily.

QR Codes

Custom QR codes can deliver mobile coupons to your clients, tell them where you’re located, or perform a number of other marketing functions with one scan.

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